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Donation Boxes

We are a group of volunteers from the Omaha & Council Bluffs metros looking to make a difference with our charity for the homeless.  If you would like to help, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us or consider Making A Donation!  Questions?  Please view our FAQ.


We work to help the homeless in the Omaha Metro to get a meal, get an apartment, find a job and anything else we can to help


Whether it be our monthly breakfast, donated items such as coats, socks, tents, bikes (to get to interviews), or furniture for their new apartment, Least of My Brethren is working to better the situation for the homeless here in the Omaha & Council Bluffs Metros.  If you have additional questions about our homeless charity goals, please contact us!


How Can I Help?

If you would like to help, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us or consider Making A Donation!  Questions?  Please view our FAQ.

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